Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Workout Motivation Tricks – How To Motivate Yourself
Constant workout is the key to staying fit and living a healthy life. But, it’s really hard to stay motivated when it comes to working out. There are many excuses for not working out, “I’m tired” , “It’s cold outside”, “I’m not in the mood today”, “I will do it tomorrow” – which are not really a reason for not doing it. Yesterday you said tomorrow, haven’t you? Motivation is actually the key to success! Actually, if you have a high level of motivation, you can conquer anything. But the question is how to motivate yourself? Somehow it is very hard for us to stay motivated. Well, it’s hard to keep yourself motivated, but it is not impossible. So, I have some workout motivation tricks that will help you keep going and not give up, for sure.
Make Constant Changes
Bring something new in every training. New exercises bring excitement and fun. Change at least one of your exercises each training, and you will get better results. Not only on your motivation level, but on the measurement results too. And that is your goal!
Blogger : Fitness Club
Should We Workout Before Breakfast?
There are a lot of reasons why we should workout in the morning. For example, you’ll have better results if you workout in the morning, you’ll make it a routine if it’s the first thing you do after you wake up, you’ll feel better and happier for the rest of your day, and most important of all, you will lose weight faster. But these days there is a doubt about working out before having a breakfast. Well, today I want to discuss this question, and to see is it good or bad to workout before breakfast. So let’s get started.
Cardio Before Breakfast
Doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, forces your body to use the fat reserves to make energy, rather than the immediate food you consume, . So that way, when you exercise without eating prior to the exercise, your body burns more fat. That way, you maximize the fat burn, and get better results. But if you eat first, then you have to burn off the energy taken from your food, and only then will your body tap into your fat reserves. That way, you maximize the fat burn, and get better results.
Blogger : Fitness Club
Weight Lifting 101 : What you Need to Know to Get Toned
5 Things You Need To Know About Weight Training (Yes, You Should Do It!)
Quick: What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says weight lifting? Seriously jacked up bodies? Intimidatingly heavy looking dumbbells? Chest-bumping bros? If any of those mental images have scared you away from the weight room, you’re missing out. Because as great as cardio is, weight training is the perfect complement to your hours on the elliptical — and, sometimes, it’s even better for your body.
But staring at a rack of weights with no idea where (or why) to start is a waste of your gym time. So, before your next sweat sesh, get schooled in strength training. We tapped Erica Giovinazzo, a CrossFit Coach at Brick New York and a registered dietitian with her master’s from New York University, to answer all your weight lifting questions. If she can’t convince you, we don’t know what will.
Why should I lift weights?
Duh — it builds muscle. But there’s more to that than just a buff body. “Increasing muscle is important, because it also increases your metabolism, which means that you burn more calories in a day. That’s what you want to hear, right?” says Giovinazzo. “And resistance training helps increase bone density, which helps to prevent osteoporosis.” Then there are the less physical elements: who doesn’t want to feel stronger (no need for help lifting your luggage or opening that stubborn jar of almond butter) — or more confident? “When a woman I’m training lifts a heavier weight than she ever thought possible, it is perhaps one of the most empowering feelings she will have in her life. Imagine that on a repeated basis!” she adds.
Does lifting have to mean bulking up?
This is one of the biggest fitness myths out there. “Women aren’t biologically designed to have big bulky muscles,” explains Giovinazzo. “If you feel like you ‘get bulky’ when you lift weight, it’s likely because you are eating too much. Women with big muscles work very hard to ‘get big’ by eating a lot and following a very specific exercise program.” For you, lifting means stronger muscles, which means a more toned look over all. “I always tell women who are afraid about this, just try it. If you don’t like it, a trainer can help you change up your workout. No woman has ever come to me while training with me and said they were getting too bulky. Actually, more woman who are not my clients come to me and say, ‘I want to look like that!’”
What’s the right technique for lifting?
“It is so important to see a trainer who knows about lifting so they can teach you the correct movement pattern,” says Giovinazzo. “That being said, some of the key things to remember are to keep a neutral spine — this means to keep your back flat as well as your neck, so your whole spine is in one straight line — keep your core tight, and keep your shoulder blades back. If something hurts … stop!”
What kind of weights should I start with?
Obviously, there’s no one answer — it all depends on your personal strength. “What’s most important is that you start with weights that you can lift without too much strain and have good form. Technique precedes weight,” explains Giovinazzo. “Most of my new women start with just the women’s barbell (35 pounds) or the training bar (22 pounds).”
How many reps do I do?
Like with most workouts, variety is the name of the game. “Switch it up!” says Giovinazzo. “Sometimes, do five sets of five reps, other times, three sets of ten. For the purposes of general exercise, it’s not really so important to figure out what your “one rep max” is (the heaviest weight you can lift).”
When do I add more weight?
“The last set that you should do shouldn’t be easy,” says Giovinazzo. “If it’s easy, then the next time you do that lift, increase the weight by five to ten pounds. If you complete your sets and reps, then increase the weight next time. One of my favorite quotes is, ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.’ If you increase the weight by five pounds every week, you will see some big gains in strength.” But don’t forget technique — if you’re struggling so much that you lose your form, take the weight down a notch.
How long should I lift for?
“A typical lifting session will last about 30 minutes for general fitness,” suggests Giovinazzo. “Pick one or two lifts — bicep curls or dead lifts or whatever — to focus on per training session.” Add that to your cardio, and you’ve got a solid workout plan.
Should I lift every time I’m at the gym?
No matter what you’re doing to work out, it’s important to take time off to let your body recover. “One of my coach’s quotes is, ‘Train hard. Recover harder.’ It’s important to work hard in the gym. But when you do that, the muscles get broken down. When you sleep and take a rest day, it allows the muscles a chance to rebuild themselves, which is what makes them stronger,” explains Giovinazzo. “If we constantly beat our muscles up, it’s possible to get injured, to not get the results you want, and to feel like your energy is depleted.” And that defeats the whole purpose of working hard — so here’s your free pass for a cheat day. Five more pounds tomorrow!
Blogger : Fitness Club
Get into the Best Shape of your Life
10 Moves to Sculpt a Better Butt
You're always busting it, saving it, covering it, or laughing it off, but how much time do you actually devote to sculpting your butt? Not enough.
Pretty much anytime you're standing on two feet, your glutes and hamstrings are hard at work. Problem is, like most Americans, you're probably spending more and more time parked on your backside in front of a computer or flatscreen.
Want more booty-boosting moves? Try the Skinny Jeans Workout.
That's too bad, since your glutes are your largest (and possibly most powerful) muscle group and therefore an all-star calorie burner and metabolism booster... as long as you use them. Neglect them long enough and your bum becomes your body's problem child—loaded with potential, but lazy, forgetful, and unmotivated. And not so hot-looking either.
Show your buns some love with these 10 killer moves. They work the glutes and the muscles that support them (the hip flexors and hamstrings) to tighten and tone your booty and core. Whether you choose to add them to your existing routine in place of lower-body exercises or combine them for a calorie-frying buttock-toning circuit (see "Build-a-Better-Butt Workout," below) is up to you. Either way, you'll wind up with a superior posterior.
Blogger : Fitness Club
Love inspirational with lots of exercises, daily tips and motivation
Love those abs. Great figure with lots of exercises, daily tips and motivation
This article can help you learn new techniques to build muscles. You will learn how to change your diet as well as working out routine. Figure out where you need to do the most work, and then work from there to get the results that you want.
You need to make certain you are getting enough vegetables in order to maintain a healthy diet. There are a number of vitamins and nutrients in vegetables that can’t be found in high-protein or carbohydrate-rich foods. An additional benefit is that these are also high in fiber. Fiber will allow your body use the protein more effectively.
Make sure you understand the best exercises for increasing muscle mass.Different exercises target different results; some are better for toning while others are better for bulk.
Don’t forget carbohydrates when trying to build muscle. Carbs are absolutely critical to provide you the energy you require for working out, and if you do not get enough, you will waste your protein on energy instead of building muscle.
Building muscle is a long term process, so it’s important for you to keep yourself motivated. You can even come up with rewards that will help you in your muscle gaining efforts. For example, reward yourself with a massage, it can improve blood flow and help your recovery.
Switch the order in which you perform elements of your workout routine.If you stick to a single routine, then you will be more reluctant to work out. Make sure that you do different pieces of equipment at the gym or taking advantage of different exercise classes.
Eat well on the days that you workout your muscles. Consume many calories about one hour before you are going to exercise. This does not mean that you should overeat on workout days, but just to eat more in comparison to the days that you are not planning to hit the gym for weight training.
Don’t work out for more than an hour. Your body will begin to produce cortisol, the stress hormone, if you exceed an hour long workout. Cortisol may block testosterone and thwart your efforts to build muscle. Making sure workouts are less than an hour helps you to get the perfect way to optimize your fitness plan.
Eat plenty of protein when you are trying to add muscle to your frame. Protein is essential for building muscle, and consuming too little could cause your muscles to diminish, defeating the purpose of bulking up. You might need to eat one gram of protein per day depending on your weight.
Know your limitations, and push yourself to it.When you plan your routine, keep going until you literally cannot go any further.
You can cheat a little as you lift weights. Make sure to perform all your rep speed is controlled. Do not let your form under any circumstance.
Muscle Groups
A problem that can hamper bodybuilding is that some muscle groups grow as others.Use fill set when trying to target your problem muscle groups. A fill set is a short set focusing on your weak groups a few days after they were last worked out hard.
Try consuming a lot of protein rich foods right before and after you exercise. A good idea is to consume 15 grams of protein before your workout and 15 grams after you are done. This is roughly the amount of protein contained in a couple glasses of milk.
It is vital to limit the amount of your workouts to three to four times per week. This will help to give your body recover by giving it the time it needs in order to repair itself.
Make your muscle development goals reasonable when trying to build muscle. You will notice better results if you meet your goals over hundreds of workout sessions. Trying to achieve unrealistic results through the use of steroids or other unnatural stimulants can result in serious, and lead to very bad health problems.
Creatine may be a good supplement for adults who wish to build muscle mass.This supplement increases your endurance and stamina when combined with a protein- and proteins.
Creatine helps your muscles recover which will allow you to increase the frequency and gastrointestinal tract. Be careful when taking any other supplement.
Resist the urge for powering through sets and cranking out at warp speed. You will get better results from slowly performing each exercise movement, regardless of whether you need to use less weight.
As the above article has demonstrated, lots of different methods of increasing the strength of your muscles exist. The article about gave you helpful advice to use. Utilize the tips that you think are most suitable for you. Use different combinations at different times in order to see what gives you the best results.
Blogger : Fitness Club
13 Gym Motivation Tips from the Pros
We all have the best intentions when it comes to working out, but, sometimes, life just gets in the way. Maybe you overslept, maybe there was wine involved, maybe there was a Criminal Minds marathon on and leaving your couch just seemed like too much effort. (No judgment!)
We get it — and it’s totally OK to skip a workout every once in awhile. But, sometimes, you need a kick in the ass, whether that’s to actually get you to the gym, motivate you in the middle of a tough workout, or snap you out of a rut. So, we turned to those who know best — the trainers and instructors who create and teach the workouts we love — for their secrets to motivation. Because, you know, even the most hardcore gym buffs want to slack off occasionally. With their tips, you’ll have no excuses!
Dress the part
“Whenever I feel like I want to skip a session, I motivate myself with a little fitness fashion show. I actually start to try on cute fitness outfits (some faves are lululemon, Onzie, Rogiani, and Nike). Playing dress-up helps me get motivated each and every time! If it’s the weekend and I’m running errands, I’ll put on super cute workout pants, so I’m already dressed and setting that mood.”
—Dasha Libin, Founder, Kettlebell Kickboxing
Pump up the jams
“I play Icona Pop’s ‘I Don’t Care’ — it gets me through any tough workout!”
—Caley Crawford, Instructor, Row House
Fake it ‘til you make it
“If I don’t feel like working out, I tell myself, ‘I won’t go hard, just super light …’ Once I get there, my nature usually takes over and I do exactly what I am capable of. I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to continue to fool myself like this, but if it ain’t broke…”
—Michael Olajide, Co-Founder, AEROSPACE
Find a great class
“A great group with a powerful instructor creates an experience that will push you to hit new personal bests.”
—Andrea Fornarola Hunsberger, Founder and Master Instructor, Elements Fitness Studio
Drop a truth bomb on yourself
“If you have time to be on Facebook or Twitter for 30 minutes, than you have a time for a workout! What would you rather do — burn calories, gain muscle, and look better in your clothes or read about other people doing it?”
—Sara Haley, Founder, The Daily Sweat
Schedule it in
“I like to devise a workout plan in the beginning of the week, making time for both cardio and strength training with the proper rest in between. I also like to make these workout schedules with a friend or two (or 10!). Doing something as a group and knowing you’re all in it together makes you push harder while smiling through it. Setting these times together also makes you less likely to skip a workout.”
—Wendy Wolfson, Instructor, Flywheel
Make it a habit
“Every day, you wake up, shower, brush your teeth, eat and sweat. It is as simple as brushing your teeth. Unless you aren’t into that …”
—Lauren Imparato, Founder, I.AM.YOU Studio
Memorize a motivating mantra
“Whenever I need that extra kick in the butt, whether it’s to get out of a rut or keep pushing it out to finish a workout strong, I think of Sebastien — the creator of the MegaFormer — saying to me, ‘You don’t need more time, you just need more intensity.’ This helps the workout seem less daunting and more doable, and it pushes me to exert every ounce of energy in my body as I know the workout is only temporary if I do it effectively and intensely!”
—Angela McCaffery, Co-Owner and Instructor, CoreFire Studio
Flip your mindset
“My goal is to flip our vision about the way we all live: I don’t want to get through my workout, day, life… I want to get into it. Otherwise, I am literally getting through my life — wishing my life away. A quick go-to: I don’t have to do this. I choose to do this. In the middle of a tough workout, I picture ‘resistance’ as a force basically telling me I cannot do something, and my answer is always: Watch me!”
—Bethany Lyons, Co-Founder and Master Instructor, Lyons Den Yoga
Be grateful
“What motivates me to work out is to think about the people who aren’t healthy enough or don’t have the resources to workout. My health and my ability to move my body is a privilege and my inspiration. For example: Someone that was born with one leg is running right now, or someone busier then me is running right now.”
—Alonzo Wilson, Founder and Master Instructor, Tone House NYC
Tap into someone else’s energy
“In a group class, I focus on the energy around me. I tell myself that the energy I put out affects not only my body but everyone’s level around me. And I tap into their energy, too! It’s all about that good ol’ group spirit!”
—Sadie Kurzban, Founder of ((305)) Fitness
Stop watching the clock
“I make a playlist that’s the same length as the workout I want to do. That way I don’t watch the clock. I just run, or do yoga, or lift weights until the music runs out. Then I’m done!”
—Jess Gronholm, Co-Founder and Yoga Director, Dirty Yoga Co.
Make it fun!
“For me, I hardly ever have to force myself to work out. Pole fitness is motivation on its own, because it doesn’t feel like I’m working out, even though it is intense. It’s just so much fun! I just have to remind myself how quickly I get strong and fit when I work out and how much fun I have, and I am practically running out the door to get to class!”
Blogger : Fitness Club
5 Times when it's Okay to Skip the Gym
We’ve all put working out on the back burner. Possible, though not always justifiable excuses may have included impromptu happy hours, Netflix marathons, less than ideal weather conditions, or long commutes. And while it’s important to power through these moments of vulnerability and squeeze in workouts at least a couple times a week, there are indeed times when you can (gasp!) cut yourself some slack and not feel an ounce of guilt. We tapped Jessica Matthews, M.S., a registered yoga teacher and assistant professor of exercise science at Miramar College in San Diego, to share when it’s perfectly acceptable to cancel on gym time and engage in some couch time instead.
One bout of sniffles shouldn’t have you hitting the bench just yet: light to moderate exercise can boost immunity and actually cut down on sick time. But if you’re not sure if boot camp class should wait, Matthews suggests a neck check: “Symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose are usually ok, but if you’re experiencing symptoms below the neck like chest congestion, upset stomach, fever or body aches, it’s best to wait this one out. Not only will skipping the gym allow your body to focus on getting better and not drain your immune system, you’ll also spare other exercisers from catching your bug,” says Matthews.
Feeling a little achy after a workout, especially a tough one, is normal, but severe muscle soreness may indicate injury. “Delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS may occur as a result of engaging in new activities or increasing the intensity of a workout too drastically. This discomfort can lead to extreme muscle and joint soreness, debilitating pain, and limited range of motion,” Matthews explains. Working out if you’re already in pain can up your risk for injury and stress out the body even more. Being super sore all over gives you permission to spend some coveted time on the couch for a day or two until you feel the pain subside.
Normally, there’s good reason to push through those I’m-too-lazy-for-the-gym-days: “A little movement can actually hike up your energy levels,” Matthews says. But if you’re burnt out—a stressful job has been keeping you after hours or just ran an endurance race—take it easy. And if you’re experiencing persistent fatigue to the point where your normal daily functioning is suffering “skip your workout and make an appointment to see your physician, as extreme and chronic fatigue may be the sign of a more serious illness of condition,” she advises.
It’s not uncommon for us to occasionally skimp on shut eye, but consistently getting far less than the recommended eight hours of sleep per night can wreak havoc on your health, fitness, and waistline. “If you regularly find yourself exhausted from only getting four or five hours of sleep per night and can’t decide whether to get caught up on your beauty rest or cut it shorter by getting in a morning sweat session, give yourself permission to skip your workout in favor of some much needed rest. Not only will you be able to approach your next work more focused, you’ll be more alert and energized, which will help you to have a safer and more effective exercise experience,” says Matthews. That being said, try reboot your sleep routine for the next couple days, so you can squeeze in shut eye and Soul Cycle without feeling zapped.
Staying fit doesn’t just happen within the four walls of the gym or yoga studio. “On the days when you find yourself physically tired from a full day of performing strenuous yard work, helping a friend move, or engaging in fun recreational activities such as kayaking, hiking, or surfing, allow yourself to be flexible in your approach to fitness and to acknowledge that fitness is multidimensional. Remember that there are a variety of ways to be physically active and that every step truly does count,” Matthews says.
Blogger : Fitness Club
Full of things that inspire me and give me motivation to help me reach my goals. I have lost 40lbs since I started and it was well worth the effort. I lost weight using healthy methods.
This blog is full of things that inspire me and give me Motivation to help me reach my goals. I have lost 40lbs since I started and it was well worth the effort. I lost weight using healthy methods.
Blogger : Fitness Club
Monday, June 29, 2015
Top 25 Best Yoga Asanas For Losing Weight Quickly And Easily
Cardio And Strength Training – What Should Come First?!
Motivation for this year - What Hangover ?
Working out is your drug get addicted - Motivation
Big Butt Exercises - Top 8 Workouts to get a Round Butt
Correct Way to do Squats for Bigger Glutes
Everything you need to Get The Sexy Body You Desire!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
How To Get The Hourglass Body Shape
Sexy Bubble Butt And Legs Workout!
Best Butt Workout - Ten minute crossfit workout
Saturday, June 27, 2015
20 Tricks to Town you Tummy
1. Engage Your Pelvic Floor
You’ve probably heard of Kegels before, right? By engaging your pelvic floor (act as though you’re trying to stop your urine midstream) before and during any abs exercise you perform, you better engage your transverse abdominals, which act as a girdle for your entire core. This helps give you a tighter midsection-quite literally-all the way around!
2. Focus on the Burn
Many times we completely zone out while working out. We’re watching TV, thinking of our to-do list, or even wishing the workout was over instead of paying attention to what we’re doing. By focusing on the exercise at hand, you not only are less prone to injury (no distractions so that you can listen to your body), but you also engage the mind-body connection which helps to recruit more muscle fibers, thereby improving your results.
3. Close Your Rib Cage
In your average sit-up you probably come up and down and don’t think much more about the movement, right? Well, when you lower down from a sit-up, pay close attention and keep your rib cage closed. This helps to “crunch” your abs more, engage your transverse abdominals, and keep your back safely supported.
4. Don’t Hold Your Breath
Your core muscles need oxygen to work at full capacity, so be sure that you keep breathing. As a general rule, you want to inhale on the easiest part of the move (on the way down from a crunch) and exhale when you have to exert the most force (on the way up on a crunch).
5. Work in All Dimensions
Your body doesn’t just work in one plane of movement, so why should your abs? Instead of always doing crunches, include abs exercises that rotate, twist and turn your body like you do in real life. Functional fitness moves such as this Side Lunge Wood Chop or this Stability Ball Chop and Twist are both great exercises to build a truly strong core.
6. Start Small
Just like you wouldn’t jump in the deep end of the pool before you know how to swim, you shouldn’t tackle a complicated or advanced core move on your first try. Start small by working in a smaller range of motion (holding a plank for 15-20 seconds), and then as your core strength improves and you master proper form, make the movement to larger and more difficult exercises.
7. Add a Weight
Dumbbells aren’t just for bicep curls! Like any other muscle, abs need to be challenged to get stronger. So if regular sit-ups aren’t doing it any more (or if you have to do more than 20 to feel the burn), throw someweight into the mix and watch your results multiply.
8. Always Warm Up Properly
A warmed up core is a happy core. Because your abs are tied in to your lower back, it’s extremely important to start any workout with a proper warm up to prevent injury. Warm those muscles up with some light marching in place and gentle standing rotation of your midsection.
9. Walk the Plank
Training your abs is not all about sit-ups and crunches. While those do work your abs, the plank is a more complete core move that works all the different parts of your abs and your upper-body. But instead of just holding the plank in a static position, engage even more of your ab strength by performing this challengingPlank Walk-Up. It’s tough, but your abs will thank you for it!
10. Picture a Grapefruit
One of the biggest mistakes people make when doing mat work for their abs is that they keep their head down. This puts unnecessary strain on your neck and takes the focus off of your abs to perform the move. Every time you’re doing abs exercises on the floor, imagine a grapefruit is lodged between your chin and your chest. For best results, don’t let your chin lower to your chest!
11. Do Squats
As exercise physiologists study and better understand the core, more and more are recommending that we think of our core not just as the stomach and lower-back area, but also as our entire pillar (meaning everything except our legs, arms, and head). To really strengthen your core, fitness professionals recommend strengthening the muscles that tie in to your pillar like your glutes. And what’s one of the best ways to fire those glutes? Deep squats, baby!
12. Train Your Lower Back
True muscle strength is all about balance. Many of us focus on toning our abs (the muscles we can see) and totally neglect our lower backs. This strength imbalance can lead to lower-back injury and pain. Here’s a good rule to remember: For every core exercise you do that only targets your abs (read: isn’t twisting, a plank, or involves standing—which all involve the back), you should do a specific low-back exercise as well like this Swan Dive. Working your lower back makes for a more complete abs workout!
13. Try Balance Work
Really want stronger abs? Incorporate balance work into your routine. Whether it’s with a Bosu, a stability ball, a balance board, or simply just standing on one leg, exercises that test your balance cause you to fire your core deeply, thereby giving you a more effective ab workout!
14. Go Slow
Think speeding through your ab workout will speed up your results? Think again. To really feel the burn, try slowing down. By changing the speed of your abs exercises, you’ll work your abs in a more targeted way that boosts strength and results!
15. Tweak Your Diet
It doesn’t matter how many hours you spend in the gym each week. If your diet isn’t on point, you’re not going to see that 6-pack. To show off those toned abs, eat a diet with plenty of lean protein, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, follow these tips to beat belly bloat (which might be hiding your fabulous abs!)
16. Give Yourself Adequate Rest
Just like other muscles, your abs need rest. Don’t directly work your abs two days in a row. Take a recovery day in between. Rest helps give you muscles time to repair and get stronger!
17. Change It Up
Are you guilty of doing the same ab workout day after day? If so, it’s time to switch it up. In fact, for best results, you should change up your entire workout-including abs!-every four to six weeks.
18. Maintain Constant Tension
If you’re short on time, here’s an easy trick to get more for your ab-workout buck: Flex your abs and keep them that way throughout your entire core workout. Whether you’re doing crunches, planks, or balance work, squeeze those abs as if you’re preparing for someone to punch you in the gut to get even more out of your usual moves.
19. Work Your Upper Abs Last
Many traditional abs exercises target the top of your abs. Problem is, they neglect your lower abs and obliques. Try starting your workout with lower-ab moves like this Double-Leg Lower Lift and this Bicycle Maneuver, which both work multiple areas of your abs. Then, if you have time, end your training session with upper-ab work.
20. Take Yoga or Pilates
Many yoga poses and Pilates exercises are extremely good for building core strength. If you’re sick of tacking ab workouts on to the end of your cardio or strength session, trade your usual moves in for a yoga or Pilates class. Besides building core strength, these mind-body exercises can also increase your flexibility and reduce stress. Bonus!
Blogger : Fitness Club
Image : source
Power Abs Workout
Firm your deep ab muscles to shrink your waist, improve your posture, and gain more confidence. Do this circuit workout twice, three days a week, for a stronger core.
Blogger : Fitness Club
Image : source
The Ultimate Hips, Bum and Thigh Workout by Amanda Russell
Your Butt-Sculpting Workout Plan
This isn’t skinny. This is FIT!
Great Butt & Leg Workout
14 Habits of People Who Always Stay Fit
Only 4 Ab Exercises You'll Need This Summer
15-Minute Bootylicious Butt Workout
How to do it: Lunge forward with your right leg, stepping out as far as you can comfortably.
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