Thursday, July 9, 2015

Achieve Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals in Just 4 Minutes a Day

Achieve Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals in Just 4 Minutes a Day

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Beautiful shoulders are eye catching in cute dresses and tops. Luckily, shoulders can be developed in less time than most other muscle groups. So, let’s get started!

Beautiful shoulders are eye catching in cute dresses and tops. Luckily, shoulders can be developed in less time than most other muscle groups. So, let’s get started!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Get Tighter Glutes in 10 Minutes!

Get Tighter Glutes in 10 Minutes!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Fabulous Arms in 5 Moves

Fabulous Arms in 5 Moves

Blogger : Fitness Club

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7-Day Lunge Challenge--one of the best workouts around!

7-Day Lunge Challenge--one of the best workouts around!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Big Butt Exercises - Top 8 Workouts to get a Round Butt

Big Butt Exercises - Top 8 Workouts to get a Round Butt

You must do more than just workout to get your booty to grow bigger, and we will show you how. This article explains how to make your butt bigger, rounder, and firmer with isolation exercises proven to add size to your booty, and how to avoid common mistakes that will jeopardize your progress. No matter what you call it – butt, booty, buttocks, or derriere, to get a round butt seems to be on many o' wish list nowadays. Let me show you how to get a bigger butt with these 8 fail safe big butt exercises proven to help you get a round butt like no other. Don’t waste your time on exercises that don’t work. These big butt exercises will definitely target your glutes and make them grow into the perfect size and shape you have always wanted. So whether you are a guy wanting to impress the ladies in your denims, or one of the ladies trying to firm up or round up and add some size to your booty, I am here to show you how to get a big butt. So let's get that butt in gear.

First download your Free Big Butt Workout Routines for Home and Gym (CLICK HERE)!

Then come back and read this article to find out everything you must know on how to get a bigger butt.

I’m sure we all know where the gluteus muscles are located. But in case you forgot, you are sitting on them. Neglecting these muscles will cause them to shrink, become flat, sag or even become unshapely due to added body fat and muscle atrophy. For all intents and purposes, I would also not recommend going on any special weight loss diets, or doing any extra jogging or running. Our goal is to add size and not reduce it. So you may be asking yourself “what should I do to add that size, firmness, or roundness I am seeking to get a round butt”? The answer is you will need resistance training and weight training to add size and tone your butt. Below are some great big butt exercises proven to do just that. I say proven because I have used them and continue to use them in my routines on a weekly basis. You will positively know that these exercises work when you feel the soreness directly in your butt muscles a day or two after your big butt workout.

What makes this Article Different from most others?

This article is different from most articles in that we are not only going to give you the exercises necessary to grow bigger butt muscles, but we are also going to give you the needed information that is so vital to get those muscles to grow.

Most sites are leaving you high and dry after showing you what exercises to perform to build bigger glutes. They are forgetting to tell you that exercise alone will not grow muscles. Exercising too much can actually have a negative effect on your progress. And not doing the proper amount of reps and sets can also be counter-productive to increasing size. Recovery time and workout frequency are also very important when growing muscles. And lastly, your protein intake is vital to muscle growth. You can work out as hard as a professional bodybuilder, but if you don’t get the protein needed to supply your glutes with the amino acids needed to grow those muscles, you will be spinning your wheels and wondering why your butt is not getting any bigger. So if you truly want to get that booty to grow, continue reading because you have come to the right place.

At the end of this article I have included a 12 week big butt exercises workout plan for both men and women, and also printable workout plans specifically tailored for each in PDF form. This will make is easy for you to take along to the gym and note your workout dates and workout progress for each day. Also included is a short video of Dana Dunmore demonstrating some of the listed big butt exercises in her big glutes workout promo. Before we start with our list of best butt exercises, let’s take a closer look at our glute muscles.

Exercises for a Big Butt must include all 3 Muscles

In order to build a big round butt we must understand the anatomy of the glute muscles. Our glute muscles consist of three separate muscles. These muscles include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is located above the gluteus medius and is the largest of the three muscles. This will be the main muscle we will concentrate on for adding size. However, the gluteus medius located on the high end above your gluteus maximus, and your gluteus minimus located on the lower end below your gluteus maximus and ties in with your ham strings are also very important for developing the full round shape you are seeking.

Randomly selecting three or four different exercises for a big butt workout will not insure you are hitting all three glute muscles and leave you with minimal results. Our task is to not only hit our butt with intensity, but also hit all three glute muscles for maximum muscle stimulation and growth. Now let us move on to our top big butt exercise list.

One of the best Exercises for a big butt and overall strength & muscle growth - Squats
One of the best Exercises for a big butt and overall strength & muscle growth - Squats
Top 8 Big Butt Exercises

1. Squats – this exercise will not only tone your butt, but is one of the most proven exercises for building overall size with heavy weights. Proper execution of this exercise will kick your metabolism into high gear for overall muscle growth and fat burning.

There are various foot positions that could be used, but I prefer positioning my feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider and angled slightly outward. I also suggest using a Smith Machine for added safety as opposed to a free standing barbell. Rest the barbell behind your neck and across your shoulders, and keeping your back straight, look forward. Always concentrate on keeping good form during this exercise. Now slowly bend your knees until your legs are parallel or even below parallel to the floor, and feel the stretch in your butt muscles as you push it slightly outward before slowly pushing back up. Make sure not to bounce the weight at the bottom position. Keep this movement steady and concentrate on stretching the gluteus muscles while keeping good form. I recommend starting this exercise with a light weight for a set of 20 reps. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets, and perform a total of 5–6 reps. While performing these exercises, try to concentrate on using your gluteus muscles with each repetition. As you get more experienced, you can perform various routines with lighter weights and higher reps and sets, or heavier weights and lower reps and sets. When you are finished, your gluteus muscles should feel tight and pumped, and soreness should kick in 1 -2 days later. If you are feeling this exercise more in your legs, then try positioning your feet wider. Research has shown that a wider stance targets your butt muscles more than a narrow stance. Since our goal is to get a round butt and not bigger legs, this may be a better choice. I would recommend you try both and see which works best for you.

If you are not performing this at a local gym or do not have a Smith Machine, you can also perform this with a kettlebell held firmly in both hands in front of you. Or, you could use some dumbbells in each hand at shoulder position. This was only one of a few exercises to get a round butt, so let us move on to the next butt exercise.

Big Butt Exercises - Top 8 Workouts to get a Round Butt

The Best Moves For a Perkier Butt

 The Best Moves For a Perkier Butt

Getting a better backside doesn't have to take hours on a treadmill incline. Just add these three classic moves to your daily routine for a little lift every day. They can be done almost anywhere, require no equipment, and are a few of the most effective ways to lift and sculpt those glute muscles. Learn how to do the moves below, then get going for your best butt ever. Via

20 Ways to Ensure Workouts Happen Every Day

20 Ways to Ensure Workouts Happen Every Day

You sit in a car to commute to your desk job where you sit for eight or more hours straight, only to continue the ever-popular tush time by sitting on your commute home. Of course, once there, you end up back on a chair at the dinner table and then plop your butt on the couch to binge on your latest Netflix addiction — no wonder sitting too much can take years off your life! That's why it's imperative that you make it a priority to move — here are 20 tips to help inspire you to get off your butt every single day.

1. On Sunday, map out your weekly workout plan so you know exactly what you're doing each day. This saves time trying to decide, "Hmm, should I go for a run or ride my bike?" Mix up your workout routine to keep you excited, and have alternate plans for outdoor workouts in case it rains.

2. Schedule workouts just as you would any other nonnegotiable important meeting. Tell co-workers and family members so they know you're unavailable during those times.

3. Sign up and pay for classes ahead of time — it's much harder to skip out when you know you've already shelled out $20 or more.

4. Prep everything you'll need the night before, including your outfit and your pre-workout snack.

5. Get your workout done first thing in the morning so your busy schedule doesn't get in the way of your workout.

6. If you're not a morning exerciser, wake up early to get 30 minutes of work done so you can steal away later during the day.

7. To save time and motivate morning workouts, wear part of your gear to bed, including wicking socks and workout pants. If you're already wearing it, you'll be less likely to skip out.

8. Even if you're not working out first thing, wake up and put on your entire workout outfit including sneakers and your iPhone armband. You're more likely to make it happen if you're already ready.

9. Be OK with a shorter workout — even 15 minutes is better than nothing! Maximize your time with these high-calorie-burning workouts.

10. Be OK with less intense workouts. Even a relaxing stretch session counts as moving.

11. Instead of taking a lunch break, hit the gym or take a class, then eat your lunch afterward while working (make sure it's already made so you don't have to waste time going to pick up lunch).

12. Set an alarm on your phone with a meaningful message such as "Busier people are already at the gym," "You know you'll feel better afterward," or "Today's choices are tomorrow's body."

13. Follow the five-minute rule. Even on days when you're not feeling 100 percent, set your timer and go for five minutes — chances are that once you get moving, you'll be inspired to keep going.

14. Find a consistent workout buddy. Committing to meet someone makes it much harder to skip out.

15. Choose the same time to work out every day, and within a week or two it'll become a habit and something you look forward to instead of a chore.

16. Use specific and attainable goals to motivate you. They can be small, such doing 20 push-ups every day, or large, such as building up to running a half marathon.

17. Mark every workout in your calendar. Sometimes the satisfaction of seeing every day crossed off will motivate you to keep going for that week or that month.

18. Reward yourself! Have a little something to look forward to after every workout, whether it's a hot shower with a new shampoo, a warm and cinnamony post-workout crockpot breakfast, or buy a new song on iTunes.

19. Share your workouts on social media. You'll be so surprised by all the positive feedback and encouragement that it's sure to motivate you on days when you feel like chucking your sneakers out the window. It may even serve as a source for helpful workout tips.

20. Don't beat yourself up if you miss one day or maybe even half the week. Tomorrow is a new day, a chance to make a fresh start. So get right back on that exercise-every-day wagon. via

Get amazing results and burn some serious calories with these 13 elliptical workouts!

Get amazing results and burn some serious calories with these 13 elliptical workouts!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Top 10 Biceps Exercises And Their Benefits

Top 10 Biceps Exercises And Their Benefits

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Monday, July 6, 2015

How to Get Rid of Blackheads at Home

How to Get Rid of Blackheads at Home

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes with a natural mask

Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes with a natural mask

Blogger : Fitness Club

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21 songs, depending on your mood, to help you get ready to go out

21 songs, depending on your mood, to help you get ready to go out

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Highlighting and Contouring

Highlighting and Contouring

Blogger : Fitness Club

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How to Highlight & Contour like a Model !

How to Highlight & Contour like a Model !

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Make your eyes pop by changing their shape

Make your eyes pop by changing their shape

Blogger : Sunrise
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Get those abs in shape for summer with this workout!

Get those abs in shape for summer with this workout!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Tips To Keep You Fit & Sexy, During The Summer

Tips To Keep You Fit & Sexy, During The Summer

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Here's the 4-1-1 about stretch marks.

Here's the 4-1-1 about stretch marks.

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Fitness # Health # Fit # Workout # Motivation

Fitness # Health # Fit # Workout # Motivation

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

30 - Day Muffin Top Challenge

30 - Day Muffin Top Challenge

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Gonna need this!

Gonna need this!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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A Look At the Top 5 Muscle Building Supplements- I don't want as much muscle as her that's for sure!! But they have good tips!

A Look At the Top 5 Muscle Building Supplements- I don't want as much muscle as her that's for sure!! But they have good tips!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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7 moves to get that core nice and tight for summer

7 moves to get that core nice and tight for summer

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Full Leg Workout Routine - Get Sexy Legs

Full Leg Workout Routine - Get Sexy Legs

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Tips For Better Cardio Workout Results

Tips For Better Cardio Workout Results

Blogger : Fitness Club

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11 Tips to Get the Most out of your Workout

11 Tips to Get the Most out of your Workout

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Fitness # Inspiration # Motivation # Workout # Health

Fitness # Inspiration # Motivation # Workout # Health

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Yup # Fitness # Motivation # Inspiration # Workout # Fit # Health

Yup # Fitness # Motivation # Inspiration # Workout # Fit # Health

Blogger : Fitness Club

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14 Moves for the Perfect Bubble Butt

14 Moves for the Perfect Bubble Butt

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Friday, July 3, 2015

Sculpt your core with 22 of these ab exercises.

Sculpt your core with 22 of these ab exercises.

Blogger : Fitness Club

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10 Foods that Fight Bloating & Flatten your Stomach

10 Foods that Fight Bloating & Flatten your Stomach

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Looking to have a more full behind? This quick butt workout will lift and sculpt your tush!

Looking to have a more full behind? This quick butt workout will lift and sculpt your tush!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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This 20-minute workout keeps you moving to burn calories with bursts of strength training to build lean muscle. Do before you shower in the morning to rev your metabolism for the day!

This 20-minute workout keeps you moving to burn calories with bursts of strength training to build lean muscle. Do before you shower in the morning to rev your metabolism for the day!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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A fantastic upper body workout for women that leaves no stone left unturned.

A fantastic upper body workout for women that leaves no stone left unturned.

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Check out these moves to get that beautiful sexy back like you've always wanted!

Check out these moves to get that beautiful sexy back like you've always wanted!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Printable abs workout - Abs Workout

Printable abs workout - Abs Workout

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Jennifer Aniston's Ab workout....Wow these really work! Sounds easy enough, all except for the pushps

Jennifer Aniston's Ab workout....Wow these really work! Sounds easy enough, all except for the pushps

Blogger : Fitness Club

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No more muffin top with these 9 belly shrinking moves!

No more muffin top with these 9 belly shrinking moves!

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout--a 4 minute fat blaster that burns fat for up to 24 hours!

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout--a 4 minute fat blaster that burns fat for up to 24 hours!
Blogger : Fitness Club

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

33 Things all Truly Fit People Know

33 Things all Truly Fit People Know

Blogger : Fitness Club

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How to Clean Makeup Brushes

How to Clean Makeup Brushes

Blogger : Fitness Club

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How to Find Your Face Shape

How to Find Your Face Shape

Blogger : Fitness Club

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How to Find The Best Hairstyle for Your Face Shape

How to Find The Best Hairstyle for Your Face Shape

Blogger : Fitness Club

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How to Clean your Makeup Brushes Naturally

How to Clean your Makeup Brushes Naturally

Blogger : Fitness Club

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4 Ways to Fade Different types of Facial Scars

4 Ways to Fade Different types of Facial Scars

Blogger : Fitness Club

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7 Hairstyles you can do When you Haven't Washed Your Hair

7 Hairstyles you can do When you Haven't Washed Your Hair

Blogger : Fitness Club

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5 Makeup Tips For Blondes All Golden-Haired Girls Need To Know

5 Makeup Tips For Blondes All Golden-Haired Girls Need To Know

Blogger : Fitness Club

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7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Red, Bloodshot Eyes

7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Red, Bloodshot Eyes

Blogger : Fitness Club

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Second Day Hair Styles & Tips

Second Day Hair Styles & Tips

Blogger : Fitness Club

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